‘Ravel’ is a durational piece choreographed by David Harvey, in which the dancers attempt to deconstruct and unravel a limited movement vocabulary. Highly physical and detailed choreography act as a foundation for the dancers to dismantle the movement material, as well as self-imposed confinements of identity. Through disciplined engagement, the performers attempt to sustain one state of energy throughout the piece.
Through an unrepeatable choreographed system, ‘Ravel’ explores behaviour and it’s full range of nuances. Over time, the performers grapple with the effort and work to unfold choreography which exposes the performer’s instincts, vulnerability, desires, and discomfort. ‘Ravel’ is rich in behaviour and form, without veneer and virtuosity becoming the focus of the piece; it is the physical manifestation of thought processes. Agency is given to the viewer to shift the way they engage with the work, and challenges their assumptions of performance; encouraging them to unravel their own expectations for reaching a destination point. Patience is required by both the performer and viewer.
The piece premiered April 2018 through a co-produced performance with TWObigsteps and WAREhaus Dance, and also presented at LeftofPush January 2019.